Ömer Cora's Personal Portfolio

Last Update: 01/2024


Software engineer and a gamer at heart. This is where I show most of my work.

  Software design and development have been my passion for more than 10 years. After working on various mobile and web applications, I have decided to delve into game development for fun.
  As a hardcore gamer, I find game engines fascinating, At Fanshawe College's Game Development Program (2017), I have developed a custom game engine (C++/OpenGL) and used it to create a game for the GDP Gamejam 2017.
  Past couple years, I have been DMing a Pathfinder 2e game online with friends around the world. I am using FoundryVTT w/ macros and 100+ modules to tell fun stories with my players.
  Site theme inspired from NieR: Automata.

WORKS [C++, OpenGL]

GDP17 Game Jam

My submission for the final project of GDP (Game development program, Fanshawe College). We had to use our own "game engines" we cumulatively developed throughout 8 months, merging various class codes together like Graphics, Physics, Gems etc. This was extremely fun & satisfying to work on.

Lua Scripting, Pod vs Frank

Implementing lua states and registering custom commands to manipulate objects in game using scripting. Command queues are used and they support parallel and serial command chains. This project tries to recreate the iconic scene in 2001: a Space Odyssey and more!!! (the hidden scene where the pod hits Frank.)

FBOs, Curiosity landing

Using frame buffer objects to recreate the iconic landing of rover and the first photo it took. Video also shows a selfie cam for the rover.

Bullet Physics 2/2

K.Character, Vehicle, GhostObject, This project implements following bullet physics classes: -btRaycastVehicle -btKinematicCharacterController -GhostObjects (collision triggers)

Bullet Physics 1/2

This video demonstrates various constraints in action using bullet physics. -Cel shading is done by drawing back-faces of the same model with an offset, not by post-processing.

Soft-body Physics

This is a demonstration of custom soft-body physics with my engine. The cloth is made up of an array of interconnected spring nodes that interact. It can collide with spheres around.

Various AI types

Each AI behaviour state has its own colour. White: Wandering around until the player gets close Red: Angry (follow and engage, run away after getting close enough) Blue: Curious (follow but do not engage, keep at a distance, only run away when gazed on) Yellow/Purple: Run away

Lights, Particles

This project shows the use of multiple lights (point, directional, cone) Phong shading is used and the moon "shines" in certain angles by a cone light that follows the camera. Unwanted pixels from the fire texture using discard in the shader.

Sphere-Triangle Collision

The video shows euler integration and sphere-triangle collision. There is no continuous collision detection for the spheres so there are occasional sinking issues.

Rendering 3D models

No light, just rendering, moving camera and object placement to create a sensible scene. First project of GDP.

Triangle-Triangle Collision

This project is to understand why it is important to have axis aligned bounding boxes while calculating triangle-triangle collision with very large models.

Works [Swift, Objective-C]

banqo. [Swift, node.js (CoffeeScript), CouchDB, MySQL, Docker, AWS, C++]

An innovative online betting platform, that allows twitch like subscription system for successful betters (called tipsters)
banqo SS-1
banqo SS-2
banqo SS-3
banqo SS-4

Ziraat Mobil [Objective-C]

The Mobile Banking Application of Ziraat Bank, Ziraat Mobil for iOS.
ZiraatMobil SS-1
ZiraatMobil SS-3
ZiraatMobil SS-4
ZiraatMobil SS-5

Pointap. [Objective-C, Java, PostgreSQL]

Pointap is a collaborative network for artists, photographers, musicians, film makers.
Pointap SS-1
Pointap SS-2
Pointap SS-3
Pointap SS-5

Build Vault for Guild Wars 2 [Objective-C]

Free community iOS app for talent/build-crafting for the MMORPG Guild Wars 2. 50k+ DLs
bw SS-1
bw SS-2
bw SS-3
bw SS-4

DHL Express (M-Takip) [Objective-C]

Mail Tracking app for Turkish AppStore.
dhl SS-1
dhl SS-2
dhl SS-3

WinAt9 [Objective-C, Java, PostgreSQL]

Advertisement/Survey application on the Turkish AppStore. 150k+ Users
winat9 SS-1
winat9 SS-2
winat9 SS-4

A! [Objective-C]

Location based reminder application that comes installed with Istanbul’s metrobus stations.
a! SS-1
a! SS-2
a! SS-3

Color Allergic [Objective-C, OpenCV]

A chroma-key application to create fun pictures.
colorallergic SS-1
colorallergic SS-2
colorallergic SS-3
colorallergic SS-4


On My Radar


Dragon's Dogma 2

FF Rebirth

Hellblade 2

Loved Playing


Tarkov (recoil fix)


ZERO Sievert


Foundry VTT



Mob Psycho 100 III

Büyük Ev Ablukada

  (Ekmek vardı tereyağı vardı utanılacak bir şey yoktu
  Bir şey daha yoktu ama kavrıyamıyordum)
İşte böyle olmak en iyisidir olmakların
Bir küçük çocuğu tuttum otobüsten indirdim
  Yok olan önemli bir şeydi allah kahretsin)
Tüm kavgasız tüm duruk tüm başıboş
Üç sayı kötü bi sayı iyi şiir dinledim
Çıkıp okudular durup dinledim
Bitmeseydi daha dinlerdim kötü mötü
Saat kaç diye sordular birisi beş yani dedi
  (Ha kavgada ha aşkta
  Bu gök bomboş ha kavgada ha aşkta)
Göğe baktım yerli yerinde
Haydutlar dalavereciler yerli yerinde
Vurguncular hayınlar vurdumduymazlar öyle
İyi dedim içim rahatladı
Düzen bozulmamış dedim sevindim
Tenhaca bir bölgelerinden şehre girdim
  (Ben herkese varım
  Başka türlü olmuyor inanmayın)

Bakın bu şehri ben kurdum ben büyüttüm ama sevemedim
  (Ekmek vardı tereyağı vardı söylemiştim bu önemlidir
  Utanılacak bir şey yoktu kime anlatmalıyım)
Ben sevemezsem sevmek kimselerin elinden gelemez
Bizi tutkulara çağırdı otobüse sosise buzdolabına
Telefona sinemalara radyolara bir sürü kancık sevdalara
Sürü sürü mutsuz alışkanlıklara
Yalana dolana itliklere keten elbiselere

  (Sonra karısı öldü o çocuğun
  Yalnızdı güçsüzdü herkesler gibiydi
  Kirlendi kötülendi sarhoşladı pis karılara dadandı
  Anladık onu ölenden başkası kurtaramaz
  Ölen de kurtarmamıştı)

Bak ben seni nerenden kurtaracağım şaşacaksın
Şimdi bu taşları biz çektik değil mi ocaklardan
Bu asfaltı biz döktük biz onardık değil mi
Bu yapıları oniki kat yapmak bizim aklımızdı
Biz kurduk istersek umursamayız ya
  (Abluka burda başlıyor çünkü)
Ekmek yiyelim tereyağı yiyelim çocuk büyütelim
Sen beraber yatacağımız yatakları hazırla
Sen bir onu yap yeter bak göreceksin.

Turgut Uyar